#Breeds netlogo install
You can easily use it online or install NetLogo on your own computer (for improved performance). If you are new to agent-based modeling and need to analyze and build your own models with little programming effort, this is the place to go. NetLogo is probably one of the most accessible packages for getting started with agent-based modeling. In addition, you can construct graphs with arbitrary connections ( links) between the nodes of the graph (the turtles). As such the patches provide a background landscape through which the agents can move around. These three different types of agents allow you to construct hybrid models that include properties of both cellular automata (through the grid of patches) and agents roaming freely through continuous space (the turtles).

pyunicorn – Unified Complex Network and RecurreNce analysis toolbox.Complexity Lab Utrecht (CLUe) Close submenu +.Emergence of Control in Complex Adaptive Systems.

Centre for Complex Systems Studies (CCSS).